When I was still an engineering student, I encountered a lot of mathematical and scientific equations. We, students, were expected to memorize these equations by heart to pass the course.
I didn't have a very good memory so I devised a study plan that would help me remember these equations. Every weekend, I wrote all the equations I learned during the weekdays in a notebook, and recited these repeatedly until I can recall them instantly.
The next week, I wrote again the new equations I learned that week. But instead of reciting only the new equations, I also recited the equations from the previous week, and so on. So my strategy was to refresh my memory every week, and I find this very effective for me.
As a Christian, we also need to memorize by heart the words of God to become a successful student in the university called life. This is a must. Everyday we are bombarded with lies from everywhere that are subtle and destructive to us, so we need to know the truth. God's word is the truth and it is our light in times of confusion, and difficulties.
Like any typical student, I take notes and write my reflections. In the past month, I was silent; Daily Snacks was silent. During my silence I experienced new things, I learned new things, and I took notes. Now I will share to you my reflection in a form a poem.
Today I remind
myself that I can choose…
I can
choose to become the Father's son or be condemned forever;
I can
choose to struggle through life with Jesus or to struggle alone;
I can
choose to repent and change or to remain shackled to sin;
I can
choose to be faithful or be paralyzed with fear.
I can
choose to embrace the truth or to live in lies;
I can
choose to be encouraged or to be envious;
I can choose to be one of the bests or stay in mediocrity;
I can choose to be one of the bests or stay in mediocrity;
I can choose to spend my time bearing good fruits or to waste it away.
I can
choose to care for others or be absorbed with myself;
I can
choose to accept their failings or to be a hypocrite;
I can choose to forgive and heal or to wallow in hatred;
I can
choose to light a candle or to grope with them in the dark.
I don't have to go with the flow,
Because God gives me the power – the power to choose at EVERY moment;
Because God gives me the power – the power to choose at EVERY moment;
Lest I lost my way into the wolves,
I choose to go His way even if it's difficult and scary…
In life we always have a choice. Our Creator gives us that power. Exercise that power everyday to choose what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely and honorable because unseen powerful forces are conniving that you may forget this power or not exercise it at all.